List of Leading Banks In Brazil (Latin America)

A list of banks in Brazil including all Islamic banks, commercial banks, private banks, local banks, domestic banks, foreign banks, and financial institutions.

Brazil is one of the largest economical countries in Latin America. The country is powerful because of advanced industries, automotive sections, chemical production, and more.

Here are all the banks in Brazil mentioned below with brief descriptions.

About banks in Brazil

Banks in Brazil play a significant role in the country’s economy. Brazil has a developed banking system with a range of financial institutions catering to the needs of consumers, businesses, and investors. The Brazilian banking industry is regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil, which ensures the stability, transparency, and safety of the financial system.

There are various types of banks in Brazil, including commercial banks, investment banks, development banks, and cooperative banks. Commercial banks are the most common type, providing a wide range of financial services to individuals and businesses, including savings accounts, checking accounts, loans, credit cards, and insurance.

The largest commercial banks in Brazil are Banco do Brasil, Itaú Unibanco, Caixa Econômica Federal, Bradesco, and Santander Brasil. These banks have a significant market share in the country and offer a range of products and services to customers.

Investment banks in Brazil provide services such as underwriting and managing securities offerings, advising on mergers and acquisitions, and providing research and analysis on financial markets. The major investment banks in Brazil include Banco BTG Pactual, Credit Suisse, and Banco Santander.

Development banks in Brazil provide financing and support for long-term development projects in various sectors, including infrastructure, agriculture, and technology. The major development banks in Brazil are the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the Northeast Constitutional Development Fund (FNE).

Cooperative banks in Brazil are financial institutions that are owned and controlled by their members, who are also their customers. Cooperative banks provide a range of financial services, including loans, savings accounts, and insurance. Some of the largest cooperative banks in Brazil are Sicoob, Sicredi, and Cresol.

Overall, the banking sector in Brazil is highly competitive, with a large number of financial institutions offering a range of products and services to consumers and businesses. The Central Bank of Brazil ensures that the banking industry remains stable, transparent, and safe for customers, investors, and the wider economy.

Central Bank of Brazil

Banco Central do Brasil – Branco Central do Brasil is the prime bank of Brazil that is founded in 1964. The bank is owned 100% by the Government of Brasil and the currency is the Brazilian Real. The banks have services systems such as:

  • controlling monetary authority in Brazil
  • promoting financial institution policy
  • performing as the banker for all financial institution
  • operating all the financial services & sectors

Top Banks In Brazil

The top banks in Brazil which are national and foreign are given below.

Banco BMG

Banco BMG is a leading retail bank that was established in 1930. The bank has a global financial service for customers.

Banco Bradesco

Banco Bradesco is one of the largest banks in Brazil offering asset management, private banking, insurance, and retail banking.

Banco Cuzeiro do Sul

Banco Cruzeiro do Sul is a national bank that provides credit, investment, brokerage, and consulting services.

Banco do Nordeste

Banco do Nordeste is a regional bank that has had many branches nationally and internationally since 1952.

Banco Palmas

Banco Palmas is a community bank among Brazilian banks that offers development projects established in 1998.

Banco Pan

Banco Pan is a commercial bank that mainly focuses on consumer loans, payroll deduction loans, credit cards, etc 1969.


Banestes is one of the state-owned banks that delivers economical development in banking services in 1937.


Banpara is one of the most important regional banks in Brazil that supports the banking needs of the state government and its employees.


Banrisul is one of the largest commercial banks in Brazil that operates numerous branches in the country since 1928.

BTG Pactual

BTG Pactual is one of the largest banks in Latin America that is based in Sao Paolo that offers investment banking, asset management, etc.

Caixa Econômica Federal

Caixa Economica Federal is a state-owned largest financial institution that is also one of the largest in Latin America.

CCB Brasil

CCB Brasil is a Brazilian bank among Latin American banks that is under the control of China Construction since 1938.


Daycoval is a private bank that delivers credit, investment banking, credit card, brokerage, etc that was established in 1968.

Santander Brasil

Santander Brasil is one of the largest banking services that is located in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and began in 1982.

Itaú Unibanco

Itau Unibanco is one of the largest banks in Brazil that is also considered one of the top financial institutions in the world.

Banco Itaú

Banco Itau is a Brazilian bank among Latin American banks that delivers financial and banking services starting in 1945.

Banco Itaú Argentina

Banco Itau Argentina is one of the largest banks that offers banking, insurance, and private Banks across the country.

Banco Itaú Chile

Banco Itau Chile is one of the largest banks in Chile which is serving banking, insurance, private Banking, etc.

Banco Itaú Paraguay

Banco Itau Paraguay is one of the biggest banks in Paraguay that has branches globally including in Brazil.

Itaú Corpbanca

Itau Corpbanca is one of the largest commercial banks in Latin America that serves commercial banking, retail banking, and financial advisory.

Itaú Cultural

Itau Cultural is a nonprofit cultural financial institution that is focused on cultural research, production, and mapping in 1987.

Rede S.A.

Rede S.A. is one of the largest private banks that has a wide range of payment services products for national and international customers.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the most popular bank in Brazil?

The most popular banks in Brazil are Itaú Unibanco Holding, Banco do Brasil, Banco Bradesco, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco Santander, etc.

2. What are the main banks in Brazil?

The main banks in Brazil are Banco do Brasil, Itau Unibanco, Caixa Economica Federal, Bradesco, etc according to the customers’ choice.

3. Can a foreigner have a bank account in Brazil?

Yes, a foreigner has a bank account in Brazil. For that, he/she needs documents such as a resident visa, identity documents, national tax id number, proof of domicile, and income.

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